Information in English
Fornebu Trafikkskole AS

Information in English
A warm welcome to Fornebu driving school, where you always will experience the little extra you appreciate.
We have been assisting employees at Aker Solutions AS, Telenor AS, Statoil, IT Fornebu, British Petroleum, Rolls Royce, Teleplan,, Americans in Norway, INN and various shipping companies in the Skøyen and Lysaker area to convert their foreign licenses or starting from scratch.
Our office on Fornebu is located between Telenor Arena and the highway, on top of the tunnel in the Teleplan building. For driving classes you can meet down by the garage, by the by the great parking area.
We offer following classes:
Class B with manual gear shift, class B with automatic transmission, classes B96 and BE, trailer sertificate.
Motorcycle class A, A1 and A2 as well as moped.
Do you need to convert your foreign driving license into a Norwegian one? We will help you explain all the formalities depending on your countrys license from A to Z, and also be of assistance with practical matters. If you fill in the application form on the front page saying “Påmelding”, we will call you within the next business day.
If you want a direct contact or book a class, please call:
The office, first and foremost, during our office hours. Tel. 91 21 91 21
For time sensitive matters:
Herman Anker
Tel. 974 80 008 Lang. Norwegian, English und Deutsch
Kent Olsen
Tel. 994 55 511 Lang. Norwegian and English
for further information or simply send us an email to
Next basic theory class on Fornebu has following dates:
Dark driving demonstration will start in October.
Meeting place:
Fornebuveien 33, 1366 Lysaker
The school’s education plan for both theoretical and practical training is based on the Public Road Administration training regulations for class B as well as an in-house developed educational plan. The school is obliged to follow this plan during the tutorial.
The student is responsible for having proof of completed basic traffic course (original) for each driving lesson. If the student does not have proof, the driving lesson(s) cannot be completed, but must be paid in the usual way. By police control or the like, a student without proof will be fined and not allowed to continue driving. Pupils must make sure that they have taken all compulsory training (such as first aid courses, dark driving courses, basic traffic courses, etc.) before the practical exam.
Each teacher has their own students; you will normally get the same teacher throughout the training. Due to holidays, illness and the like, however, you may get another teacher for a shorter period of time. It is also possible to request another teacher without giving a reason.
You will normally use the same vehicle during the entire training period, also during the driving test.
The theory test for driving license class B can be taken at the earliest ½ years before the age of 18.
Passed theory test is valid for 3 years.
After passing the theory test, the student can register for a practical test. Those who drive up between 16.3 and 1.11, and have not had a dark driving demonstration from the basic traffic course, have a deadline of up to and including 31.1 the following year to participate in a dark demonstration, as this is seasonal.
Driving lessons class A1 can be started at the age of 15, class B can be started at the age of 16, after completing the basic traffic course*, as long as the companion is 25 years old and has had a driving license for 5 consecutive years, for the vehicle group. When practicing driving, basic traffic course proof must ALWAYS be brought.
* Basic traffic course can be taken at the age of 15.
If a person has been punished or convicted of intoxication, the chief of police or the person he authorizes may make a decision that the person in question shall not obtain a driving license until up to 2 years have elapsed after the violation took place.
Anyone who has driven a motor vehicle without a driving license for the group of motor vehicles in question may not obtain such a driving license for the first time until at least 6 months have elapsed since the illegal driving took place.
If there has been major damage while driving, you cannot get such a driver's license until at least 6 months have passed since the drive took place. Blocking deadlines are also usually given after a crime or misdemeanor. When the blocking deadline exists, it is forbidden to practice driving. In the event of repetition, the blocking period can be extended, possibly forever.
If more than two months elapse between the last driving lesson with the teacher and the practical test, the school will be able to demand a refresher lesson before the test.
The first hour of work normally starts at 08:00 and the last is finished at about 15:30. A driving lesson lasts 45 minutes. Students meet at the school office or other designated places. We point out that driving time can take some time from the lesson when you meet other places than at the traffic school.
If you wish to cancel the class, this must be done no later than 24 hours before the driving class starts.
Monday classes must be canceled no later than Friday before 12:00. Cancellation of driving lessons must be done by contacting the teacher directly or by calling 974 80 008. The phone is mostly operated continuously, sms-messages are not accepted for cancellation of compulsory lessons. The telephone is operated between 08:00 and 16:00. The school's office hours are available on the website.
NB! Cancellation of compulsory driving and driving test.
Deadline: 3 working days before the agreed time. I.e. that compulsory driving and driving test on Monday must be canceled no later than the Wednesday before. Appointments that are not canceled by the deadline must be paid for by the student. Approved compulsory training is reported to the Norwegian Public Roads Administration when the course(s) has been paid in full.
The teacher waits for 15 minutes. After this time, the class is considered "not met", and the student is not entitled to drive the rest of the class. The student must pay for the lesson.
Due to illness, technical failure, reshuffling of driving tests at the Norwegian Public Roads Administration and the like, we regret having to make reservation that booked hours may be canceled. In that case, notice will be given as soon as possible. If the teacher does not arrive at the agreed time, wait for 15 minutes, then contact the school for an appointment for a new date. In the event of the teacher's error, the student is then entitled to a free lesson.
Updated prices are listed on the school's website:
All driving lessons are paid in advance unless otherwise agreed via the student portal The traffic school can also issue invoices for late payment, with handling fees.
When issuing an invoice, the customer is charged an administration cost of NOK. 100.00.
Fill in the application online: page
If you have answered no to all questions about health, vision and mobility, you do not need to send a health certificate. If not, you must go to a doctor (possibly an optician) and have him fill in the health certificate. This must be attached to the application. Send all possible papers to:
Statens Vegvesen, Billingstad Trafikkstasjon, Stasjonsveien 21, 1396 Billingstad
It is important that you get the papers sent in as quickly as possible, as it takes time to get a bill of conduct-check with the police.
On your day of practical exam, before starting your drive, you will be asked one theoretical and one practical question from the examinor. This questionaire is available at our school.
Flere nyheter
- Kontaktinfo kontortid, office hours
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- Skolereglement
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- First aid classes now available
- Vi har åpnet igjen!
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- Tilbud MC utstyr elever ved Fornebu trafikkskole AS
- MC opplæring, vi er i gang!
- Nyheter